Finnland | Government proposal to Parliament laws


Government proposal to Parliament laws Vehicle Act, the Road Traffic Act and the Penal Code, Chapter 23 § 9 and 12 of the amending

The main content of the presentation:

The bill proposes to modify its vehicle law, traffic law and criminal law.

The proposed amendments will eliminate duplication of national legislation with the European Union regulations concerning the two- and three-wheel vehicles, as well as the so-called four-wheel and agriculture and forestry vehicles type-approval and market surveillance. In addition, to strengthen the national legal requirements relating to changes in non-EU type-approved vehicles.

In addition, within the framework of the national margin expansion of an existing group of mobility equipment intended for use by a disabled person exclude them from the scope of the Vehicle Act to cover all users, regardless of slower walking with electric motors assist or replace the mobility equipment. In addition, a completely new ajoneuvoluokkana faster increase in road traffic permitted light vehicles such as passenger conveyor Segway and various senior scooters, which should be an electric motor.

As part of the implementation of the Regulations Act also lays down provisions on the penalties for their implementation. In the same context, the Finnish Transport Safety Agency also strengthen the national focal point, as part of the survey of new vehicles and the technical roadside inspection of the implementation of the directives.

Road traffic other than the use of only allow the disabled person walking assistant or substitute to mobility equipment subject to pedestrian traffic rules, if they are carried on walking speed. If the speed would be higher walking speed, the cyclist to apply the traffic rules. Cyclist traffic rules would apply also for light electric vehicles. However, light electric vehicles should also use the sidewalk walking speed.

The definition of power-driven vehicle included in the Criminal Code be updated to match the vehicle the law. The scope of the non-motorized vehicles driving while penalty provision be extended by adding cycles fitted with its engine and lightweight electric vehicles. The provision would also apply to walking-assist or replace, but mobility equipment, which is transported in walking speed.

The amendments implement the Government Programme, the objective of regulation in order to streamline and reduce the administrative burden.

The laws are intended to come into force as soon as possible after its publication, but no later than the beginning of 2016.


Erklärung seitens eWheelz™

In Finnland wurde nun schliesslich dem Parlament der angekündigte Gesetzesentwurf vorgelegt. Der Bericht ist enorm umfänglich, lang und detailliert. im Grossen und Ganzen, heisst es darin, dass ab dem 01.01.2016 alle elektromotorbetriebenen Fahrzeuge in Finnland anerkannt werden und fortan legal unterwegs sein können, sofern diese einige Punkte berücksichtigen. Mit einem Maximum von 1000 W Motorenstärke und einer bauartbedingten Höchstgeschwindigkeit von nicht mehr als 15 km/h scheiden jedoch praktisch alle elektrischen Einräder bereits aus. Denn ist ein stärkerer Motor verbaut und sind Geschwindigkeiten bis zu 25 km/h möglich, so fällt man unter die Regelungen eines eBikes und dieses verlangt Reflektoren, Licht, Lenker, zwei Bremsen und so weiter. Dazu kommt dann noch eine Typengenehmigung. Der Gesetzesentwurf ist ähnlich wie dasjenige aus der Schweiz zu betrachten. Es werden zukunftsorientierte Anforderungen gestellt, welche so noch nicht erfüllt werden können und somit wird das elektrische Einrad in Finnland auch weiterhin auf öffentlichen Strassen nicht anerkannt.


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